Tag: Segwit


SegWit Support Surpasses 27% Again as Bitcoin Unlimited Drops To 16%

When it comes to making bitcoin scale in the future, the jury is still on as to which concept will activate on the network....

Is SegWit Signaling Support Becoming Too Centralized?

Support for Segregated Witness is seemingly dwindling, which has quite a few bitcoin community members concerned right now. In fact, it appears integrating Segregated...

Bitcoin Unlimited Starts To Outpace SegWit Support

It appears another plot twist looms on the horizon when it comes to the ongoing battle between Bitcoin unlimited and Segregated Witness. As of...

SegWit And Bitcoin Unlimited Support Remains Equally Flat

It is evident Segregated Witness support is not advancing as most people would have liked to see me. Over the past few weeks, the...

Coincheck Acknowledges Support For Segregated Witness

Support for Segregated Witness continues to build, as Japanese exchange Coincheck has indicated they are ready for activation. Right now, the company is monitoring...

SegWit Continues To Gain Support Among Bitcoin Community Members

Ever since the signaling for Segregated Witness began, there have been some doubts regarding its chances of success. Looking over the Bitcoin Core adoption...

SegWit Activation Signalling Is Just One Week Away

Many Bitcoin enthusiasts are looking forward to seeing Segregated Witness being activated on the network. Doing so will require specific requirements to be met,...

Andreas Antonopoulos Feels SegWit Will Activate On The Network In A Few Months

The latest release of the Bitcoin Core client marks a significant milestone for Bitcoin. Segregated Witness is included in the code, and it seems...

Segwit Appoaches But It May Not Satisfy The Debate

We may see some significant enhancements to the Bitcoin code soon as the developers over at Bitcoin Core have announced Segregated witness (segwit) will...