Tag: Joseph Lubin


Joseph Lubin: Facebook Shouldn’t Be Controlling Libra

Someone should tell Joseph Lubin, the co-creator of Ethereum, that he needs to make up his mind about Libra. Lubin: Libra Is a Good System Seriously,...

Ripple and Ethereum Executives Pummel Libra

Libra has been a hot topic of debate lately, and now, executives of both Ripple and Ethereum are adding their thoughts to the mix. Libra...

Ethereum’s Joseph Lubin: Libra Is a “Centralized Wolf”

Ethereum co-creator Joseph Lubin says he has a few problems with Facebook’s new cryptocurrency Libra. Lubin Doesn't Care Much for Libra's Ideals The biggest issue at...

Why Ethereum Co-Creator Isn’t Worried About ConsenSys Being Profitable for a While

Joseph Lubin is the co-creator of Ethereum and the CEO of ConsenSys, a blockchain venture studio. In a recent interview, Lubin explained what ConsenSys...