Tag: Hacking


The Shadow Brokers’ Bitcoin Auction For Hacked NSA Tools Sees Lowball Offers

Not too long ago, a mysterious hacker collective put a set of hacking tools and exploits online. According to The Shadow Brokers, these tools...

Even a 12-year Old Can Launch Bitcoin Ransomware Attack

The mounting influx of underground online marketplaces has evidently simplifies the purchasing and selling of illegal materials, including the cyber-extortion tools. According to a report...

Teens Convert Proceeds Derieved from Hacked Instagram Accounts to Bitcoin

It seems like whenever somebody decides to do something illegal, the first thing that comes to their mind is bitcoin. It has become a...

UAE Bank Hacked! Hacker Buba Threatens to Make Customer Data Public

The offer stands at $3 million in bitcoin, else the customer details and account information will be made public! Guess that's how the hacker...

Better Pay Bitcoin Ransom than Lose Data to Malware – FBI Special Agent

The number of malware and hacking incidents involving bitcoin has increased over the years drastically. Ransomware has been one of the new trends, where...

BitPay Lost $1.8 Million to Hackers Last Year, Court Records Divulge

The amount of losses incurred by bitcoin based companies so far due to hacking incidents has been enormous. The actual figure is not available...

Kaspersky Labs Observes the Decline of Bitcoin Malware

Kaspersky Labs, one of the leading cyber security firms in the world has recently concluded a study of malware attacks on bitcoin community and...

Coin.MX’s Connection to Wall Street Bank Hack

Connected to the previous article on Coin.mx, the links of Coin.mx's promoters Anthony Murigo and Yuri Lebedev with Wall Street bank hackers was revealed...

DDoS Attack on OKCoin, Company Defends Itself

OKCoin, the leading Chinese bitcoin exchange has successfully managed to thwart a coordinated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The DDoS attack prevented users...

DD4BC Shifts Focus to Businesses, Continues DDoS Attack

Cybercriminals and extortionists demanding Bitcoin as ransom is on the rise these days. Due to the easy of transfer and pseudonymity associated with Bitcoin...

Hackers Hold a Brisbane Company’s Sensitive Info Hostage. Threaten Employee

The law enforcement officials in Australia’s Queensland area have warned businesses in and around the region not to secure their computer network and not...