Tag: Futures


The CFTC Is Practically Begging to Regulate Crypto

The ongoing crypto crash has caused the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to boost calls for regulation. The CFTC Wants to Oversee Crypto Activity Back in...

What Could Have Prompted Bitcoin to Fall So Quickly?

When is someone going to tell bitcoin to slow down? Why, when it drops, does it have to do so in such grandiose fashion?  Bitcoin......

Reduced Bitcoin Futures Volatility Offers a Glimpse of Hope to Long-term Speculators

The Bitcoin market appears poised to rebound fairly soon. Some small uptrends have begun forming over the weekend and first half of the week. This...

CME Futures Settle Below $11,000 as Bitcoin Price Continues to Struggle

Everyone will agree the Bitcoin futures have not made a big impact. In a way, that is anything but surprising at this point in...

CBOE Bitcoin Futures get Settled Through $6.7m Gemini Auction

The first CBOE Bitcoin Futures contracts have been settled according to the recent Gemini auction. As one would expect, the interest in this auction...

Will the new CBOE Futures Contracts Result in a Bitcoin Price Rise?

The Bitcoin price is influenced by many different external factors. Issues on the network are one of the reasons why the value has taken...

Winklevoss Twins Want Jamie Dimon to Short Bitcoin Futures

The Bitcoin world has plenty of drama but also offers a good chuckle now and then. The Winklevoss twins are the first Bitcoin billionaires...

Bitmex Will Sell Users’ Bitcoin Cash Balance Rather than Support This Altcoin

Bitmex is one of the more popular cryptocurrency exchanges when it comes to futures trading. At the same time, the company also provides regular...

Bitcoin Price Hits All-Time High of $6,600 as CME Announces Plans to Launch Bitcoin Futures

Bitcoin’s value is continuing to rise, sailing through $6,500 and $6,600 on Wednesday to hit a new all-time high.  The digital currency hit $6,634 just...

SegWit2x Futures Markets are Valued at Around $900 Right now

It is evident a lot of people have high hopes for SegWit2x. This upcoming hard fork will give Bitcoin holders another free token to...

Litecoin Futures Trading Sees Strange Action Despite Low Volume

Despite all major cryptocurrencies consistently losing value, Litecoin is still holding its own quite well. Even though LTC has taken some minor price losses...

Brexit Vote Slings The Bitcoin Catapult

Yesterday markets were poised at a high prepared for the Brexit referendum vote that took place in the United Kingdom. UK markets were up...