Tag: Dr Doom


‘Dr. Doom’ Nouriel Roubini Gloats over Bitcoin Price

Nocoiner Nouriel Roubini, also known as Dr. Doom, is gleefully gloating about the recent drop in Bitcoin price. The recent dramatic fall in Bitcoin price...

Famed Nocoiner Nouriel ‘Dr. Doom’ Roubini Once Again Shows His Contempt for Cryptocurrency

Nouriel Roubini continues to scream himself hoarse, espousing the same flawed rhetoric about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The New York University professor and Economist...

Economist Who Predicted Financial Crash Calls Bitcoin the ‘Mother of All Bubbles’

An economist who predicted the 2008 financial crisis has said that bitcoin was 'the mother of all bubbles' after dropping 12 percent in value...