Tag: Crypto Mining


Firefox Rolls out Crypto Mining Malware Blocker in Latest Browser Version

Mozilla Firefox is the most recent web browser to launch an anti-crypto mining feature in its latest version. Look, we know that the Internet can be...

Crypto Mining 101: College Students Capitalize on Free Electricity, Internet to Mine Cryptocurrencies in Dorm Rooms

Cryptocurrency mining is an appealing business model. With the right hardware and access to cheap electricity, profits can be generated over time. It now...

Hot Enough to Fry an Egg: CoinHive Cryptojacking Malware Edition

The number of internet-connected devices around the world continues to expand exponentially. Any and all of these machines are susceptible to hacking and malware....

Nvidia Suffers a Setback as Demand for Mining GPUs Plummets

The past twelve months have been interesting for graphics card manufacturers. Both AMD and Nvidia benefited from the sudden cryptocurrency mining craze. For the...