Tag: BTC


No Exchange or Wallet Supports Bitcoin Gold 10 Days Before the Fork

A lot of people tend to forget there will be two Bitcoin hard forks in the next few weeks All eyes are on SegWit2x,...

Fake Bitcoin Gold Website Asks for Your Private Key to “Distribute” Allotted Currency

With all of the Bitcoin hard forks coming about, scammers are having a field day right now. Bitcoin old is another clone which was...

Experts Predict the Bitcoin Price Will Reach $6,000 by Year’s end

It looks as if every expert has come out with a bullish Bitcoin price prediction again. More specifically, the new estimates predict a Bitcoin...

TWAP Bitcoin Algorithm Makes Trading Easier During Volatile Periods

Bitcoin is of great appeal to investors and traders all over the world. However, the price volatility is also turning away a lot of...

21 CEO: Bitcoin Removes Any Excuse for Not Investing

Bitcoin has experienced an extraordinary growth since its birth in 2009, as the demand for the virtual currency exploded in various regions including China,...

Venezuela Government Calls Bitcoin ‘The Currency of Criminals’

A public television network based in Venezuela has penned an outrageous article against Bitcoin. The Venezuelan Television Corporation, in its latest article, tried to brand...

Ripple’s CEO Makes Peace with Bitcoin

Chris Larsen, the CEO and Founder of Ripple Labs was successful in enraging the Bitcoin community earlier this year by saying that the world...

BTC drives Cloud storage-startup Crowdsale

Storj is a differently built cloud storage solution running on decentralized features, offering two types of storage apps – DriveShare and MetaDisk. DriveShare is unique...