Tag: Bread


Hey, Big Spender! Don’t Steal My BTC

A new bug dubbed “Big Spender” has made its way into several popular bitcoin wallets. Big Spender Is Here to Take Your Crypto Big Spender is...

Bread iOS Wallet now Supports Bitcoin Cash Alongside Bitcoin

There is more to cryptocurrency than just Bitcoin. A fair few altcoins have made a name for themselves in recent months. Bitcoin Cash is...

Bread Wallet now Supports in-app Bitcoin Purchases With Credit Card

It's always good to read some positive news regarding Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Fans of the Bread Wallet for mobile devices have a new...

Bitcoin Wallet Bread Leaves SegWit2x Support up to the Users

There are quite a few Bitcoin wallets which have a difficult decision to make Supporting SegWit2x is a very serious concept that needs to...