Tag: Bitcoin-XT


Bitcoin XT and Block Size Discussion to Continue at Scaling Bitcoins HK

As the bitcoin network struggles to cater to the ever expanding bitcoin network with 1 MB blocks, the bitcoin community is still undecided about...

Slush Pool to Enable BIP 101 Mining in Support of Bitcoin XT

The debate about the bitcoin block size continues. The bitcoin community is yet to reach a consensus about the implementation of BIP101, also known...

Bitcoin XT Users and Supporters Now Come under Attack

Wherever there is a large quorum of people, anything involving decisions towards implementing a change is met with some opposition. Sometimes those opposing the...

CoinWallet to Disrupt Bitcoin Network in the Name of Stress Test, Again!

The bitcoin network has been growing in an exponential pace since its inception in 2009. As the number of transactions on the bitcoin network...

BTCChina Supports BIP 100, Votes for 2 MB Block Size Limit

China is one of the largest contributors to the bitcoin network. In terms of transactions, a significantly large portion of bitcoin transactions happen in...

BIP 100 Garners More Support Than BIP 101

Any change is always met with resistance, sometimes more fierce than expected. It is the same thing happening with Bitcoin XT now. Number of...

Bitcoin Price Crash… Was it Bitcoin XT or Bitfinex?

Is bitcoin going to the dogs? It sure seems that way. Don't believe it? Then take one look at the price trend and you...

Andresen May Switch from Bitcoin Core to Bitcoin-Xt over Block Size Consensus

What happens when you give out too much power to individuals? In this case, the mining community? The chances are you will end up...