Tag: FBI


FBI Halts Bitcoin Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline

Not long ago, agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) managed to intercept bitcoin funds stolen through a ransomware attack on the Colonial...

The FBI Is Getting Involved in the Recent BTC Hacking of Twitter

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has announced that it is launching an investigation into the recent Twitter hack that saw more than 130...

Scammers Demand Bitcoin from Blackmailed Husbands

The FBI issued a warning about scammers trying to blackmail supposedly cheating husbands for Bitcoin. One of the hallmarks of cryptocurrency is being able to...

Cryptocurrency Features in 130 FBI Cases

An FBI special agent recently revealed that the law enforcement agency currently has 130 cryptocurrency-related cases under investigation. There are a lot of positive effects...

FBI And Security Experts Are Fearful About The Future of Ransomware

Ransomware has become a significant threat to computer users all over the world. Criminals who develop these types of malware known that all too...

FBI Releases New Guidelines On Dealing With Bitcoin Ransomware

The FBI has been flapping their gums again on the topic of Bitcoin ransomware. Not too long ago, the law enforcement agency advised users...

Los Angeles Hospital Held for Ransom by Bitcoin Ransomware

The Bitcoin ransomware is back and this time, the cybercriminals have stooped to a new low by attacking the computers containing critical diagnostics and...

ItBit Scores 10000 Bitcoins at the USMS Auction

The much awaited auction of bitcoins confiscated during the Silk Road investigation is long over. Auctioned by the United States Marshals Service, over 44000...

Bitcoin Auction to Have Attendees From the Bitcoin Industry

Earlier yesterday we wrote an article about the upcoming bitcoin auction scheduled to happen on the 5th of this month. The auction is being...

Bitcoin Auction on Nov 5 — the Last of Silk Road Stash Goes up for Bidding

Last of the bitcoins from Silk Road investigation is about to be auctioned off. The United States Marshal Service, the federal agency that was...

Better Pay Bitcoin Ransom than Lose Data to Malware – FBI Special Agent

The number of malware and hacking incidents involving bitcoin has increased over the years drastically. Ransomware has been one of the new trends, where...

Over 44000 Bitcoins from Silk Road to be Auctioned by US Marshals

The rise and fall of Silk Road, the online deep web marketplace is well known to almost everyone in the bitcoin community and beyond....