Okay… So again there has been no change in the bitcoin price. We are still looking at $296, and we’re all unsure of how long this little setback will be set in place.
I, myself am curious to know why bitcoin has suddenly gotten so comfortable with this number, particularly when it is so close to $300 and when it managed to actually break $300 just a few days ago. That’s right, bitcoin in recent days did break the $300 mark, and while it hovered in this range for a few short hours, on the same exact day it fell back down to $296. Maybe $300 was the perfect partner for a brief and sensuous love affair, but $296 is great marriage material. I don’t know… I don’t know what constitutes “relationship-worthy numbers” in the world of digital finance.
What probably occurred is what we often see with people that continue to rise to the top, only to fall to the bottom once again at the last minute when their fear of success takes hold. How many times have we seen this? Often times a celebrity, or even an average person that we know is moving forward at a quickened pace, making their mark and really earning their keep and then in the midst of it all, boom! They’ve never had success to such a degree before this and not being used to it, they subconsciously make a ruinous decision that sets them back twenty or thirty steps.
It happens all the time, and it’s quite possible this was the case with bitcoin. It has been near the bottom for so long that it has forgotten what it means to be at the top, and when it began to climb, the height suddenly became too much for it. Thus, it felt it needed to drop once again to be comfortable.
Bitcoin, we all know you’re better than this… You need to know it as well. Keep on rising. It’s in your power to do so.