If you fancy paying for your upcoming facelift or tummy tuck with bitcoin, you can thanks to the Pacific Medical Health Group. The organization and its primary physician Dr. Michael Omidi announced in early May that they will begin accepting crypto payments for all cosmetic procedures.
Pacific Medical Health Group Accepts Bitcoin
The move is pushing the goals of bitcoin and its digital counterparts closer to being achieved. What many people likely forget is that while bitcoin and many of its crypto cousins have taken on either speculative or even hedge-like statuses in recent years, many of them were initially designed to serve as payment tools. They were built to push checks, credit cards, and fiat currencies to the side, but this has been a relatively slow journey given the volatility that continues to drag them down.
It is extremely hard to understand when bitcoin and its crypto family will go up or down when it comes to their prices. Many stores and companies have been reluctant to say “yes” when it comes to accepting crypto payments for this reason, and to a degree, we can’t blame them.
Consider the following scenario: someone walks into a store and buys $50 worth of merchandise with bitcoin. For one reason or another, the store doesn’t trade the BTC into fiat right away and about 24 hours go by. From there, the price of BTC goes down and that $50 becomes $40. The customer gets to keep everything he or she bought, but the store has lost money in the end. Is this a fair situation? Not everyone thinks so.
That’s what makes enterprises like Pacific Medical Health Group so important. They understand the initial purposes of bitcoin and digital currencies and are trying to transform them into usable tools that everyday people can benefit from.
In an interview, Dr. Omidi claimed that the crypto sector is growing larger than anyone could have anticipated, and thus he is looking to give individuals new ways to utilize digital currencies and new ways to pay at the same time. He commented:
We wish to accommodate patients that wish to use cryptocurrency on items besides investments or stocks, which is becoming standard to many businesses in the future… Cryptocurrency and blockchain backbone are the next phase of technology and will be a huge part of how businesses will be utilizing in the future.
This Is a Growing Trend
The decision by Pacific Medical Health Group and Dr. Omidi comes during a time when several companies and businesses throughout the country appear to be more accepting of bitcoin.
Not long ago, Continental Diamond, for example, announced it was willing to let customers pay for new jewelry with bitcoin and related altcoins. Continental is one of the oldest and most trusted jewelry companies in America.