Eric Adams – the mayor-elect of New York City – is taking some flak after allegedly flying on the private jet of bitcoin billionaire Brock Pierce, a former child star who appeared in projects like “First Kid” and “The Mighty Ducks.”
Does Adams Have Something to Hide?
While this wouldn’t seem so bad at first glance, it is alleged that Adams is not being entirely honest about the circumstances or expenses surrounding the trip. For example, Adams claims that he flew to Puerto Rico – where Brock is located – with his own money. A representative of Adams says that he paid for a commercial flight back home out of his own pocket, though at the time of writing, no receipts or confirmation of the travel expenses have been provided.
Still, Adams is claiming that the trip occurred through “his dollar, his dime and his time.” It is believed that while in Puerto Rico, Adams met with Brock and his partner Tracey Collins and had dinner with the two of them, along with the island nation’s governor Pedro Pierluisi. It is alleged that Brock may have contributed funds to Adams political campaign and partied with him in New York the night he won his political race.
Adams explained to reporters:
Before the question is asked, I paid my own way. I learned the best way to tell people to mind their business is to come out of your pocket and cut your own check, so I’m here on my own time. It’s on my dollar, my dime and my time.
Adams is getting a reputation for being a big bitcoin advocate. Recently, he engaged in some playful, online banter with Miami’s mayor Francis Suarez, who had previously stated that he was okay with the idea of getting his paychecks in bitcoin. Adams then chimed in saying that he was willing to accept his first three paychecks as mayor in BTC.
He also took the feud further, stating that Miami’s day in the sun was over and that it was New York’s turn to take over as the major crypto hub of the United States. He has also stated that he wants cryptocurrency and blockchain taught in public schools so that children are prepared for what he believes will be the future of payments.
Following his run as a child actor, Pierce made a name for himself in several bitcoin-related roles and even threw his hat into the ring for the 2020 presidential election. It is alleged that he garnered as many as 50,000 votes.
Pierce Has a Decorated Crypto History
In response to the news surrounding Adams, Pierce mentioned in a statement:
I’m not commenting on any of Eric’s business. I don’t have any role in his administration.
Several crypto advocates have relocated to Puerto Rico in recent years given the region enforces lenient crypto tax laws.