The Lightning Network marks an important milestone for Bitcoin. This scaling solution has to deliver on the initial promises, although there’s still a lot of work to be done. It now seems a new approach is being tested. Combining NFC with the Lightning Network can certainly have some interesting consequences.
Bringing the Lightning Network to Bitcoin users will always remain a challenge. More specifically, there is no easy or convenient way to access this scaling solution as of right now. Even though interesting developments are taking place, the developments need to be accelerated first and foremost. Igor Cota is confident combining LN with NFC technology can be a more than valid approach moving forward.
Combining NFC and Lightning
More specifically, Cota has developed a Lightning wallet which uses NFC. His desire to work on such a solution is not entirely surprising. More specifically, he genuinely wants to explore instant payments in a contactless manner. With Bitcoin, such payments are pretty much impossible to achieve, unless innovative technologies are combined in a meaningful manner. NFC and this scaling solution packaged into one wallet will open up a lot of new opportunities.
Additionally, Cota is convinced he can make Bitcoin payments more mainstream. All it takes is a USB attachment to turn any computer into a Lightning-based POS device. Getting rid of QR codes and webpage-based payment options is certainly an important step in this regard. While QR codes are still pretty popular, it’s not necessarily the most convenient solution either.
Bridging the gap between NFC and Lightning technology will not be all that easy. Cota wants to ensure his implementation added to the current standards introduced by the lightning developers first and foremost. Whether or not that effort will be successful, remains to be determined. This idea may very well be ahead of its time, though, but only time will tell what the future holds.
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