The latest move by the GG World lottery is going to provide a seamless bridge between the traditional lottery world and the latest crypto technology. For the first time, any company is fusing the benefits of blockchain technology with the charms of the lottery, with an aim to bring significant changes to the way game of chance is played.
GG World Lottery- What is it?
GG World Lottery is a revolutionary idea that will offer completely transparent, online and government-regulated national lotteries to players and interested investors, globally. The team is backed by highly experienced professionals sharing more than 20 years of industry experience and expertise. The GG World Lottery seems appealing to the people due to the following points.
The Background
At present, the lottery industry needs significant improvements or even disruption. The current industry model is obsolete, causing many players and investors to lose interest in the sector. The situation is further exacerbated by a higher potential of fraud and lack of transparency. Since lottery is one of the most popular gambling activities in the world, a disruption in the model is the dire need now.
Majority of the lotteries are run and regulated by the governments, which has created a monopolized industry with zero competition. This has led to stagnation of innovation, resulting in a lack of online lottery options, either from the government or regulated private operators. In cases where there are online options available, they are burdened with heavy taxes. At the same time, these online versions are as opaque and risky as offline lotteries.
How GG World Addresses these Challenges?
GG World makes use of the blockchain to create a 100% transparent and immutable online national lottery platform that cannot be manipulated or corrupted. Being fundamentally based on mobile devices, the GG World Lottery solution provides an easy lottery access to progressing markets, like Africa. This approach is expected to replace the old lottery hardware such as terminals, scanners, tickets, monitors, communication routers and ticket dispensers. The mobile devices will be able to render retailer outlets obsolete while offering perks like higher purchase rate, push notifications, least possibility of fraud etc.
In terms of transparency, GG World blockchain based lottery is highly trustworthy since it uses a decentralized network of the blockchain nodes and is notably regulated. It also integrates the highly reliable TRNG technology provided by Quantis True Random Number Generator which has been reviewed and certified by some of the globally renowned government bodies. A combination of TRNG and Distributed Ledger Technologies makes GG World Lottery a truly fair and transparent system.
As per the jurisdictions it operates in, the project will distribute the profits with concerned authorities and token holders. It has also made allowance for a portion of the profits to be directed to charitable organizations in under-served regions.
Operators can use GG World Lottery platform with any lottery infrastructure globally and integrate instant-win games and lottery draws. They can also customize the solution as per regional preferences and culture. This way, it becomes a smooth extension of national lotteries’ current product offerings. GG World has already signed 12 NDAs with official regulatory bodies in the operating countries.
About GGCOIN (GCC) Token
GG World is embarking on an ICO campaign involving the GCC tokens, which investors can purchase. GCC tokens use the ERC20 token standard to make the most of Ethereum’s smart contract technology. The company will pay quarterly dividends to the token holders on the basis of token ownership as well as the volume sold during the ICO. The token holders will also get a lifetime revenue stream on the basis of every jackpot prize winner.
GG World Lottery is being looked forward to by the investors and analysts both. To know more about the platform and participate in the token sale visit –
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