The stellar performance of cryptocurrencies in the recent days, combined with their volatile nature makes them ideal tradable assets. There are many instances where traders claim to have made a fortune by just buying and selling various cryptocurrencies. And again, there are those who have lost a significant amount to failed trades. The differences between failed, and successful trades are timing and access to information. Having access to reliable market information at the right time makes it possible for almost everyone to execute profitable trades across platforms.
Unlike conventional commodities and forex trades, there has been no reliable signals platform that could offer such quality information to the cryptocurrency trading community on time. The creators of CryptoPing have identified this lacuna and have been working on a solution since then.
CryptoPing is an intelligent bot that provides market insights and trading suggestion to the cryptocurrency community. Armed with the information, traders can develop a trading strategy that could offer them huge profits. The platform already has signals from Poloniex, Bittrex and Cryptopia included in it, with more coming soon at the time of public release.
In order to facilitate the bot development, CryptoPing is currently holding an ICO, which is set to end in the next three days. During the ICO, investors can purchase the PING tokens against various cryptocurrencies including BTC, LTC, WAVES, DASH, ETH, and ETC. So far, CryptoPing has raised a total of more than 426 BTCs from over 2454 investors. With more than 65% of the ICO target reached, the platform is confident of meeting the 100% target by the end of crowdsale.
CryptoPing already has a live beta version of the bot, being used by a significant number of users. According to the company, over 25000 active users are waiting for the launch of CryptoPing’s full version bot application along with subscription-based services and social sharing capabilities.
The platform’s userbase is growing rapidly, with over 500 new users joining it on a daily basis. Also, in the coming days, the developers of CryptoPing will include a fourth exchange for analysis by the bot.
The CryptoPing bot will be available as both free and subscription-based versions, where the latter will receive instant updates at a much higher frequency along with customization features. Soon, cryptocurrency traders can expect the launch of the full version of CryptoPing bot on Telegram to assist them with profitable trades.