LEOcoin is a digital currency that has over the time gained the trust of its user base by providing them with an impeccable set of digital financing services. It is a private-centric cryptocurrency for small scale businesses, and is backed by a dedicated exchange.
LEOcoin enables people to be the part of a private – and legitimate – finance circle, where they are not made to submit their personal details, such as name, home address, and bank info. This makes LEOcoin a fast, safe and private means of payment, when compared to other digital payment methods.
LEOcoin, the lion of Cryptocurrency Industry, seeks to implement the lessons learnt from the widespread acceptance and adoption of Bitcoin. It believes that Bitcoin has achieved a lot only in a short span of time, but has also left the scope to let things unfold in a different manner. LEOcoin strives to provide that alternative to Bitcoin, hence providing more options to the people.
LEOcoin aims to be the coin of the masses and is lobbying to bring the use of cryptocurrency in the mainstream. For this, LEOcoin has moved to a Proof of Stake system which is designed to make accessing and understanding the coin even easier. This helps them to reach out to a wider market.
Bitcoin falls short on mass adoption front because of the world of mining rigs and ASICS, which is beyond the interest of the mass market.
Another reason for the ease of LEOcoin adoption is its existing user base. LEOcoin’s users existing members have been involved from the start of the LEOcoin development process, and as such they were a ready and waiting community of merchants, consumers and traders when the LEOxChangelaunched. This has added stability to the exchange price as well as faster uptake than previous coins. Previous currencies have all started from a zero membership base.
Cover Image via Lloyd Chapman